Supplying artwork for Logo Floor Mats

Gail Duncan
by Gail Duncan 8 months ago
This article provides a Product Overview for the Floor Mat Range and considerations on how to supply your artwork.

Printing your logo, a welcome message or directional guidance on a mat as a customer enters your premises, waits at a counter, desk or reception.

The Mats are guaranteed for 5 years, fully washable with rubber backing making them suitable for carpet and hard floor. Finished with a rubber border to maximise durability, the finished size includes the rubber border.

Floor mats are produced by a process of dying the mat material at the base, allowing the ink to wick up the mat's fibres which can cause some bleed between colours.

Product Codes

These are available in 16 standard sizes but if a bespoke size is required, please contact us before placing your order.

Product code Product name
Logo Floor Mat - 600 x 850mm
IGLFM02 Logo Floor Mat - 750 x 850mm


Logo Floor Mat - 850 x 1150mm
IGLFM04 Logo Floor Mat - 850 x 1500mm
IGLFM05 Logo Floor Mat - 850 x 3000mm
Logo Floor Mat - 1150 x 1800mm
IGLFM07 Logo Floor Mat - 1150 x 2000mm
IGLFM08 Logo Floor Mat - 1150 x 2400mm
IGLFM09 Logo Floor Mat - 1150 x 2500mm
IGLFM10 Logo Floor Mat - 1150 x 3000mm
Logo Floor Mat - 1500 x 2000mm
Logo Floor Mat - 1500 x 2400mm
IGLFM13 Logo Floor Mat - 1500 x 2500mm
IGLFM14 Logo Floor Mat - 1500 x 3000mm
IGLFM15 Logo Floor Mat - 2000 x 2000mm
IGLFM16 Logo Floor Mat - 2000 x 3000mm

File Supply

Simplify your Design

Files should be supplied as Vector only. Think simple clear, bold text and shapes. Shapes or blocks of solid colours.

Small detail will be lost or removed from the design. Any rasterised text, logos or images are re-drawn by the manufacturer.

Minimum line thickness

  • Avoid positive lines of less than 5mm
  • Avoid reversed out lines of less than 5mm

To ensure definition of the design we recommend that the thinnest lines in both artwork and text are 5mm, this is for both a printed line and a reversed out line.

The spacing between artwork elements, including any 'counters' in text should also be 5mm


There are 100 standard dye colours used in the production of the floor mats all with a Colour Reference. The colour swatches are an approximation only. Colours will vary, colour matching should not be expected in this process.

Black is J10. White is J1.

Failure to contact us specifying the colour reference when placing your order will result in the supplier processing this as a 'best colour match' - this can cause shifts in colour and variations between orders.

See also

Logo Floor Mats Colour Swatches